Having already spent four months in lockdown, residents at the Sydmar Lodge Care Home in Edgware, England, have found a magnificent way to beat the isolation blues – recreating classic album covers!
The idea was that of the care home’s activities manager, Robert Speker, who was trying to find inspiration for keeping the residents spirits high at a time when all visitors, including family, have been put on hold.
“I made the suggestions of which albums and which resident best suited the look, or had a vague similarity to the artist,” Speker explained on his Twitter page “Then I proposed the idea to each resident. All of them were enthused and perhaps a bit bemused by the idea, but happy to participate.”
The residents were made up to mimic the rock stars as they appear on their iconic covers including; The Clash’s London Calling, Blink 182’s Enema of The State and David Bowie’s Aladdin Sane.

Speker Tweeted the Sydmar Lodge residents photos alongside the original covers and it soon became a massive hit with over forty thousand retweets so far.
Other iconic covers re-worked include; Bruce Springsteen’s Born In The USA (renamed Born In England) Adel 21 (renamed Vera 93) and many more.
These have been testing times for care homes in the U.K. and it could be months before care homes come out of lock down. “Keeping residents happy, entertained and full of spirit has never been more crucial,” Speker wrote on the GoFundMe Page he has created to support the care home.
“Elderly people will remain in lockdown for a long time,” he wrote, “and I want to make their time as happy and full of enjoyment and interest as possible.”
Everyone should have a soundtrack playing loudly in the background of their life. I was born moshing to my own beat and have never swayed from my love of music. Spreading my passion through the written word is my soul’s purpose. My punk heart beats loudly with the rhythm of my rock soul. I plan to continue to mosh like no one gives a shit.
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